

Manage Anxiety in the Workplace with These 8 Effective Strategies

Manage Anxiety in the Workplace with These 8 Effective Strategies

Anxiety in the workplace is a major mental health concern that needs to be addressed by employers, business owners, and workers. This can be done personally through self-management techniques or company-wide programs.

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Issues with mental health have been a growing concern in many countries including Australia due to how they affect individuals and those around them. Mental health conditions can be triggered by various factors, and they can also manifest in different places.

For instance, in the workplace, one of the most common mental disorders employees encounter is anxiety, which is mainly due to the pressures associated with work. In fact, over 45% of Australian workers have considered themselves mentally unhealthy at some point in their lives. Also, one in five Australians have taken time off from work due to anxiety and other mental health disorders.

Strategies for Managing Workplace Anxiety

Fortunately, there are a couple of effective tips workers can follow to manage workplace anxiety. If you or a co-worker is often feeling anxious in your work environment, follow our guide below to learn how you can overcome this serious mental health disorder.  

1. Identifying Your Anxiety Triggers

One of the first things you need to do in order to successfully manage your anxiety at work is identifying and understanding the factors that trigger it. These can be a certain task you’re currently working on, your interactions with a specific colleague, or an upcoming deadline.

By identifying the root of the problem, you’ll be able to focus on the next steps that will help you to address it. In work settings, these steps can involve talking to someone from your company who is in a position to offer a solution to your problem.

2. Setting Your Boundaries at Work

Getting overwhelmed by tasks and other responsibilities at work is often cited as one of the causes of anxiety among employees. Although taking on additional tasks can make you look and feel like a valuable member of the team, it’s always more important to know your limits to avoid overworking yourself.

Learn how to set your boundaries at work by saying “no” to extra tasks if your plate is already pretty full. Aside from preventing feelings of being overwhelmed, this strategy will also save you from rushing to meet multiple deadlines. 

3. Setting Realistic Goals

Another way to avoid feeling overwhelmed at work is by setting realistic goals, especially when working on major projects. Instead of taking on the entire project at once, break it down into smaller and more manageable tasks.

By doing so, you’ll be able to prioritise them based on their importance. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your colleagues in taking on these tasks.  

4. Practising Self-Care

Always remember that your health and well-being are more important than your work tasks. You should prioritise your physical and mental health by practising self-care. Self-care can be something as simple as getting enough sleep and eating well to doing something big like going on a relaxing and fun vacation.

Looking after yourself by engaging in these activities can help clear your mind and alleviate job-related stress and anxiety.

5. Challenging Your Negative Thoughts

Having negative thoughts and ideas related to your job can also make you feel anxious. These can be irrational fears about potential outcomes at work. You can address these negative thoughts directly by replacing them with more positive alternatives.

For instance, instead of worrying about an upcoming deadline or meeting, focus on the solutions or actions you can take that will yield more positive outcomes.

6. Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Earlier, we talked about the importance of practising self-care. This strategy also involves maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which is all about allotting time for fun activities, such as your hobbies or spending quality time with your family and friends.

Immersing yourself in activities that you enjoy is important because it serves as a reminder that there’s more to life than just working. It also gives you something to look forward to while you’re at work, which is an effective way to reduce your anxiety levels.

7. Engaging in Physical Activities

Aside from allotting time for your hobbies and other fun activities, you should also try to exercise or engage in physical activities at least once a week. Many studies have shown that these types of activities can help in lowering anxiety and alleviating other mental health conditions.

Also, being physically active has a direct positive effect on your health, which also has an impact on your mental well-being.

8. Seeking Professional Help

Although these tips mentioned are effective in managing workplace anxiety, the best way to fully address this matter, as well as depression and other mental health disorders, is to seek professional help. Professional counsellors, psychologists, or therapists who specialise in mental health work by getting to know you in order to gain a deeper understanding of what you’re experiencing.

Through their services, you’ll receive personalised anxiety management strategies that are tailored according to your needs and conditions.

Anxiety in the workplace is a major mental health concern that needs to be addressed by employers, business owners, and workers. This can be done personally through self-management techniques or company-wide programs.

Seeking the services of a mental health professional is also highly recommended, as this provides a more comprehensive approach towards anxiety management. For instance, Sureway Health & Wellbeing, has psychology and counselling as well as NDIS recovery coaching services that are designed to help individuals who are experiencing mental health issues.

These services, which are delivered by Sureway Health & Wellbeing in person or through telehealth sessions, help clients develop goals and strategies for overcoming their mental health disorders and implementing positive changes in their lives.

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