
Support for NDIS Participants

School Leaver Employment Supports

Here to guide you on your way.

Are you aged 16 –22, and transitioning from school to work? We’re here to offer a helping hand!

We’ll provide you with the support and tools to learn, grow and build the confidence needed to find an exciting job the brings you a sense of purpose.

Live a fulfilling life,
feel connected to your community.

Our NDIS SLES Consultants are experienced in connecting NDIS participants with local services that help them achieve the goals set in their Plan.

Who is this for?

School leaver employment supports are available to NDIS participants ages 16 –22 who are in their final years of school, or have recently left school.

You must have funding available under Capacity Building –Finding and Keeping a Job (SLES) in your NDIS plan.

How can School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) help me?

The primary goal of SLES is to empower young people by providing hands-on experience needed to succeed in the workforce.
How we’re here for you

  • Strengthening your people skills
  • Equipping you with life skills
  • Exploring career paths and industries
  • Assisting with job search
  • Ongoing support at work

What can I expect from my program?

At SurewayHealth & Wellbeing we provide a holistic service that works to support you across all aspects of your transition between school and work.

  • We are local and available when and where it suits you, across multiple channels.
  • We will listen and provide opportunities to help you discover your career aspirations.
  • Together, we will design a plan that kick-starts your journey, bridging the gap between school and work.
  • We will focus on empowering, motivating and building confidence to get you moving in the right direction.
  • We will support you and celebrate each milestone with you.

Let’s kick-start your journey with two simple steps:

  1. Register your interest with us today. Whether you’re already part of the NDIS family or looking to join, let’s connect.
  2. Meet with our friendly team and chat about your dreams and goals.

Together, we’ll design a plan that kick-starts your journey, bridging the gap to your ideal career.

Ready to take control of your future?

Don’t let your barriers hold you back. Reach out to us today.

Take control of your future with NDIS services

Other NDIS Services

NDIS Life Counselling

Psychology and Counselling

Counselling can help you to identify areas that are holding you back, achieve positive change in your life and establish a plan to reach your goals.

NDIS Recovery Coaching

Recovery Coaching

When you need support to feel more in control of your daily life, your trusted Sureway Recovery Coach is here to guide and empower you to reach your goals.

NDIS Workplace Assistance

Workplace Assistance

We can help you to build your readiness so you can pursue your employment goals. Our team can help you to set goals and support you to learn strategies for moving forward.

Support Coordination

When you need support to put your NDIS Plan into action, your trusted Sureway Support Coordinator is here to guide and empower you to reach your goals.

Helpful links

Explore our helpful links to learn more about our team, and our range of services.

Our Team

Access to Services

Fees and Rates

Helpful links for NDIS participants

If you are in an emergency situation or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, call 000. If you require urgent counselling support, there are 24-hour help lines available: Lifeline 13 11 14 and Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Sureway Health and Wellbeing is a division of the Sureway Group

Established in 1991, Sureway started as a local training provider in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales. Our mission has always been to collaborate closely with businesses across different sectors, enhancing their operations by upgrading the skills of their current and future workforce. Through identifying and fulfilling the unique needs of each business, we help level-up their performance and create long-term opportunities for communities.